Bear Spray Testimonials

Stories from Actual Encounters with Bears
Motivated to be the best!
…it can mean the difference between Life ………. and Death
Because of his own experience, Mark obviously put a lot of forethought into his product because he knows it can mean the difference between life and death. Mark has studied every little detail to make his product functional and reliable. Please Click Here For Marks Full Story

Michael Zenker
Reaching out today to share this story as a thank you, and to let you know that you've got a lifetime customer over in Bozeman. I'll be restocking my supply shortly and probably picking up your water bottle mount for mountain biking as well. Feel free to share this story any time.
A few weeks ago I was shed hunting just north of Yellowstone National Park on public land in a well-known grizzly habitat. In fact, I'd been in the same area one week prior and had seen fresh tracks. On this day, I made a few critical errors alongside one critically good (read:lifesaving) choice. I was alone, exploring and shed hunting during the middle of the day, and I intended to stay in open terrain with good visibility. I explored for a while and found numerous signs of game animals. Knowing that this was heavily populated grizzly bear habitat, I kept bear spray ultra-ready in the leg pocket of my carhartt pants. In fact, I practiced pulling the spray and partially removing the safety at least twice while hiking. This act is not a normal practice for me, and indicates just how aware I was of the potential risks of this hike. This is also probably what saved my life.
After an hour or so, I was lured into some thicker brush at the bottom of a gully by game trails and elk tracks. Quickly, though, the elk tracks petered out and I found myself on a heritage bear trail facing thick brush. I immediately recognized that I needed to bug out of this gully, so I stopped and pulled out my phone to check a map. While I did so, I yelled "hey bear" to hopefully deter any critters that may be nearby. Unfortunately, that yell did not work as intended. As soon as I yelled, I heard a crash immediately in front of me in thick undergrowth. I froze, then my hand went to my bear spray.
After the first crash everything slowed down. The first crash was followed by a series of crashes that both accelerated and got louder. I knew instinctively it was a bear, and I knew that it was coming toward me - fast. Within 1 second a mature grizzly was exploding out of the undergrowth at me. I got my first glimpse at approximately 20 yards, and it was closing quickly. I did not have time to look down to find my spray. I did not have time to think. I had the UDAP bear out of my pocket before I could tell myself to act, and my thumb was working on muscle memory from my practice draws. I fumbled with the safety once due to stress, and my only thought was "GO. NOW." The safety was off; the bear was at 10 yards; I started spraying; the bear was at 5 yards; the spray engulfed the bear; the bear was turning; I stopped spraying; I drew my glock 10mm; the bear was gone in the direction it had come. I estimate the whole encounter at 3-4 seconds.
Departing thoughts: Some FWP bear managers had given me great advice about 9 months previously. Point 1: The historical likelihood of physical contact when bear spray is used in self defense against a bear is a fraction ( I want to say in the order of 1/20th) of the likelihood of contact when a gun is used. Point 2: If considering a gun as bear defense, bounce a truck tire down a creek bank or steep hill. If you can't reliably hit the tire, you are not likely to hit a charging grizzly. I internalized this advice and mentally decided to draw spray first from that point forward. I'm sure glad I did.
The other point that I have recognized as critically important is just how readily available the spray needs to be to be effective. I had less than 2 seconds to have the bear spray ready for action. I've been guilty of stowing spray away in a pack or hard to reach side pocket, and in this case hard to reach spray would have been my downfall.
Thanks again for making a reliable product.
Mike Zenker

Jared Roberts
My name is Jared Roberts, while on vacation traveling through Yellowstone National Park with my family, we found ourselves bouncing back and forth from campground to campground outside of the park where we slept in tents for five days. While camping outside of the north-east gate of Yellowstone not far out of a town called Cooke Montana, we had a bear encounter. When we arrived there the camp host came and had warned us that there has been heavy bear activity between two black bears in the campground. She stated that the bears would come up from the river and proceed to walk right through our camp site then make the loop and exit the campground further down the river. While on high alert throughout the night, we had just finished eating dinner and we heard a group of people from the other camp site yell out “Hey bear!”. Me and three others of my family members jumped up with our Udap bear spray ready as the bear was coming right next to our camp where there were little kids and food present. We then started yelling and barking at the bear to try to push the bear out of camp. To our surprise the bear was not bothered by our presence in the slightest. We continued to yell at the bear and follow him through the campground when the bear started acting aggressive with a log that was on the ground while he was only about twenty-five yards away from us. That is when I took the cap off my bear spray and sprayed it towards the bear. The bear immediately took off running out of the campground and continued to make his way across the river and did not return during our stay there at that campground. The Udap bear spray is a very effective product and I have witnessed what it can do with my own eyes. This experience made me no longer question the effectiveness of this product. I will forever swear by this product and keep it with me when in bear country.
Jared Roberts

Hiking to the bone yard from early to late spring in the Rockies is something I've enjoyed for about 11 years. I've been coming to Montana, specifically Yellowstone region since I was ten years old. I've been fortunate to have many close encounters with bears. But until May 20, 2023, I'd not had a grizzly stalk up behind me until he was about 35 yards directly behind me. I was solo hiking near the north end of the park border, off trail just below the snow line in old growth Doug Fir Forest near the tree line of a bald peak, I stripped down to my boxers about and pack with a belt where my spray was in its quick release holster. I made sure I had quick access to my spray, after a very strong hiking friend named Craig was killed the year before I was much more aware of the zone’s potential for adverse grizzlies. I continued hiking up into hi country until I heard something thundering behind me. I turned around to a full on already charging grizz !!!! Quick release holster saved me from rolling around on the ground with that bear, I could of had upto 5 seconds to already be spraying the bear then dive out of the way as the bear ran right thru where I had stood my ground , we danced for a second while the bear tried to get on top of me then turned an went back the way it came , never had a bear sneak up behind me like that bear did. The quick release holster saved my butt!!!!!! I am only hiking, camping, and hunting if that product is on my hip! I was fortunate enough to walk away from one serious charge, won't go into the grizz country without . Highly encourage anyone who is spending time in grizz country to have the quick release Griz Guard holster, and practice drawing it. It sounds stupid but until you experience a grizzly an arm length away. You don't think it will happen, but it could be too late to react. I have a son and after that experience I have been staying out of the back country..... Major bummer because it's my favorite recreational activity, bear spray and the quick release Griz Guard holster will allow me to continue my favorite hobby once the shock goes away. Thanks to those products, I will return to the mountains this hunting season.

Looking back through my pictures it looks as if I have been carrying your bear spray since 2015. I also use your electric fence. It has been deployed in Montana, Idaho, and Alaska. I normally only use it when in grizzly bear country. It did prevent a bear from entering our campsite one night while we were in Idaho. I do have procedures that I do not deviate from while in grizzly country. One is that I do not go anywhere without my handgun and UDAP bear spray. The spray has always been attached to my holster and one goes with the other. The holster and bear spray are always on the outside of my clothing.
My passion is hunting black bears in the spring and if there are brown bears or grizzlies in these areas, they are hunting black bears too. This makes for a very interesting hunt. So, I hike approximately 1,200 miles per year with my gear to make sure everything is situated so nothing hampers access to my handgun or bear spray and to train my muscle memory. Some of my hunts are solo and in very remote locations with no communications other than texting through satellite communication. To say the least I am over the top about my gear and training to prepare for one of these hunts.
In May of 2023 I was dropped off by bush plane in SE Alaska for a solo black bear hunt. One morning I was hiking to an area where I had seen a very large black bear. The hike was 2 miles one way and 3/4th of the trip was through waste to chest high brush. I had seen lots of brown bear sign in the area, so I was going slow and glassing as I went. My rifle was in my scabbard in my pack, my UDAP bear spray was attached to my Gunfighter holster with my 44 and I was carrying my binoculars attached to a walking stick. I had a light breeze in my face and was wearing hip waders. As I walked the brush popped loudly on my waders so to say the least, I was not quiet. I was concerned about an area of forest in front of me that I had to cross because that is where I had seen lots of brown bear sign previously.
As I was contemplating the forest ahead suddenly, a brown bear materialized from nowhere directly in front of me at 50 yards in full charge. I do not remember pulling the pistol or the bear spray, but they were both magically in my hands. I fired the pistol into the ground because there just wasn’t enough time to aim and make a killing shot. The sound of the shot caused the bear to break stride and allowed me to accurately deployed half of the bear spray that appeared to barely reach him. This caused bear stop and circle down wind. When he was directly down wind at 20 yards he charged again, so I deployed the rest of my bear spray at 20 feet. Eventually he turns and slowly walks off. When he reached about 30 yards he sprinted for the woods, and I went the other direction.
This is a very short version of the encounter as I believe the ordeal lasted at least 2 minutes and possibly 5 minutes. I do know beyond a shadow of doubt that UDAP bear spray saved my life!
Thank You very much for an awesome product!

Hiker Describes Encounter With Sow Cubs
I want to share a story of a bear encounter I had this past weekend on a trail I visit 4-5 days a week in eagle river, Alaska. Your bear spray undoubtedly saved my life. This is what I posted on Facebook:
I'm home safe and sound after this morning's bear drama. I was charged by a sow Grizzly with 2, maybe 3 cubs (my brain only registered two of them but I'm pretty sure it's the same bear that's been seen in the area recently with three cubs) within 1/4 mile of the trailhead this morning. I had just turned the final switchback coming out of the trees when I heard rustling in the bushes below me, when she came out running at me with the cubs behind. (I realize now that this means I must have walked right past her without knowing). I had 1-2 seconds to get my dog on a lead (thank god she's well-trained and listened to my single command to wait), get the bear spray out of the holster and start yelling at her to go away. She got about 15' from me and I sprayed her the first time. She backed off for a second or two then came right back, at which time I sprayed her again, this time about 10' away. She took off back down toward the parking lot and I continued up the trail to get the hell away from her.
I called my husband and asked him to warn neighbors, then I called 911. 911 dispatched troopers and the park ranger as well as a helicopter to look for the bears.
Thanks to the neighbors who showed up concerned and ready to help. I always have the thought of bears in the back of my mind, and today's situation played out absolutely as well as I could hope for. Bear spray worked exactly how it is supposed to, State Troopers' response was speedy, and I'm home to tell the tale.
I can't stress enough to always be prepared. Today i had one can of bear spray and I emptied it in two sprays (it was a new can - I buy new ones every other year and get rid of the old ones since the expiration date indicates that the propellant won't work). I'll carry two cans of bear spray and a firearm every time I go in the woods now, although I honestly don't know if I'd have time to get the firearm out and shoot accurately in that situation.
Many thanks to the state park ranger, neighbors and troopers who escorted me out without incident.
I consider myself pretty bear aware and wilderness savvy. I've taught wilderness and survival skills over the years and have lived in Alaska for 24 years. I'm glad that I have taken time over the years to practice and play through different scenarios in my head, and so thankful that I was able respond calmly like it was second nature. The local news station did a story of course, and now I'm happy to move on and forget that it ever happened... ( Thanks again for having a powerful, reliable product.
Suzie Mauro,
Eagle River, Alaska

Just wanted to email and say your bear spray ROCKS!
This bear encounter happened on Thursday June 30th on the Apikuni Falls trail (which is a short 2 mile hike RT), me and my fiancé encountered two grizzlies. We hiked up and got to the falls at 7:27pm. A lady and her teenage son come by us and then her other teenage son runs by us and says “bear” and we both look behind him and all we see are brown ears and a hump looking at us not but maybe 8 feet from us. The teenage boy had to maybe have been 5 feet from him when he walked by.
Everyone immediately starts to scale the rocks of these falls because we were at the end of the trail already. We climbed maybe 5 feet up the rocks and turn around with the lady and her sons and start making noise and making ourselves look like a big group to scare the grizzly off. 20 seconds go by and we don’t see them and then TWO GRIZZLIES pop up right where we’re standing before and start scaling the rocks so we keep climbing higher, they are undeterred by the noise. I grab the bear spray and I tell fiancé and the kids to get behind us and the mom gets her bear spray out. They clear the second set of rocks and are now right in front of us, 20 feet give or take. I spray both the bears as the ladies bear spray doesn’t carry as far and it carried the whole 20 feet. They turn and I spray again and they turn left and go up the mountain and away from us.
I am so glad we had it with us and that stuff really went far!! We were terrified given the size of them and how they were acting and I’m so glad we had the bear spray with us.
Lauren Schmitt
Richardson, TX

Camping in the Catskills
I was just camping in the Catskills and saw that someone had put the bear can in the travel sack and hung it from a tree. Looked liked a black bear pulled it open and chewed on it a bit. It must have been there for awhile. Anyway, figured you'd want to see it. Frozen moldy food, deodorant, rusty fuel container, and some titanium items.

I'll just start with this: Your Bear Spray Saved our Lives!!
My friend Amy and I drove out to Glacier Park on July 15th this year to spend a week in Glacier. We had this trip planned for a year and we were so glad we were able to go, even with the pandemic.
Amy had never been to Glacier and I have been going out there about every other year since 1980. In all my years in going to Glacier, I have never had a bear encounter (almost attack) as we did. I have seen bears on the trails farther ahead on a few hikes or we would enjoy them from our cars watching them grazing on the side of the mountains.
Amy and I set out to do our hike early on the morning of July 17th, we wanted to get to the trailhead early as Glacier was crowded and we wanted to beat the crowds. We set out on the hike which was about 10 miles roundtrip, we would be hiking up to an incredible lookout on the West side of Glacier. We were about an hour in on the trail and we turn the corner and here a grizzly literally jumps out in front of us. I was ahead of Amy and the grizzly was about 10 ft. in front of me. He was mad and roaring standing up and arms up in the air taller than me (I'm 5'7"). Amy and I both screamed, we were absolutely terrified and thought we were going to be killed that day for sure. I had my bear spray on the outside pocket of my backpack, and I knew I would need to use this to fend off this angry bear in front of us. The bear came towards me and I took a step back and I tripped but ended up sitting securely against my backpack and easily was able to grab the spray unclick it and call the bear in a bit closer to me because I knew I needed to get a good shot in his face. I had read your instruction booklet the night before and I had remembered everything it said. I screamed at this grizz and told him "we are night dying today your mother -- ff---er!!" I sprayed and he had turned his head so I only got him on the side of his face, I knew I was going to have to go for another and I made him look right at me and saw the shot and sprayed (but as I did this I knew this spray could come back to my face so I turned my head when I knew I had the shot). IT WORKED! He cowered back like a little baby, and turned around and ran down the trail!!! Amy and I were stunned, and Amy came over to me and said "Holy shit! You just took down a grizzly bear!!" We hugged in each other in tears shaking and relieved we were alive! From there we were able to call the rangers and they helped to calm us down and met us to get to our car. This was our first day in Glacier and Amy's first time ever in Glacier park! We decided to stay in Glacier and do more "touristy" hikes and sightseeing and ended up having a very nice time taking in all of Glacier's beauty. While we were there we were able to process this incident with each other and any others who would listen to our story!
So, this is our bear spray story. As I said, I've been hiking in Glacier and many other places for years and never used bear spray. But, now I KNOW it works.
Thank you for making this!
Kind Regards,
Stephanie C. Weiland
Minneapolis, MN

...but THEN my eyes focused, and I saw the silhouette through the tent...
My friend, Marcos, and I planned a week long road trip, driving from Texas to Grand Teton Nat. Park, then to Yellowstone Nat. Park, then to Glacier Nat. Park... After visiting the Parks the first week, the plan was to spend a second week in Pagosa Springs, CO, volunteering with Voice of Wilderness, an organization specializing in wilderness retreats, and backpacking.
And we were off... we didn’t have a plan on where we were staying while visiting the Parks, just the road ahead of us, and a brand new Yakima rooftop tent. We found the most amazing camping sites in National Forests along the way, with the most EPIC views... seriously, EPIC views!
1st night... CO, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest
2nd night... inside Grand Teton National Park
3rd night... WY, Bridget-Teton National Forest (E of G Teton Park)
4th night... WY, Buffalo Bill State Park (E of Yellowstone Park) - When looking for campsites this night, the store clerk in Wapiti let us know there had been several bear sightings along Hwy 14, and tent camping wasn’t allowed in most areas. So, Buffalo Bill’s it was!
September 26, 2018... our 5th day/night… This day, we made our way from Hwy 14, traveling up Chief Joseph Scenic Byway to drive the Beartooth Scenic Hwy. Beartooth Hwy was beautiful, so we talked about camping off of the Hwy, and called the National Forest Service to ask about areas that were open to tent campers. We chose to set up camp at Lily Lake, in Shoshone National Forest. (NE of Yellowstone Park) The lake was beautiful, as well as the camp sites to choose from. We chose to stay in an open meadow further away from the lake, along the tree line of the entrance to the sites. From there, we had a clear view of the mountains over the meadow. We noticed one RV camper on the side we were on, so after settling in we decided to walk around the path and talk with them. It was a couple, from the area, there hunting elk. During the conversation, we asked if they noticed any signs of bear in the area. He said they hadn’t noticed any signs, and also mentioned that at this time of the year the bears are usually at a lower altitude, which was the same thing the clerk at the store said the day prior.
We returned to our campsite (bear spray in hand), sat by the fire, ate, watched another amazing sunset, and went to the tent about 9:30...
We joked about where to put the bear spray in the tent. He tossed it to me telling me to keep it on my side. I tossed it back to him for him to keep, and he jokingly said that if a bear were to come in the tent it wouldn’t be able to come in where our heads were, so he put it above our heads, and we were asleep by 10:00/10:15pm...

Then, around 11:00pm... I was woken by the truck rocking side to side, and scratching (on metal & tent). I saw the tent coming down on my side and was confused, at first when waking. I remembered the wind blowing and the wind flap on the tent making noise as I was falling asleep, but THEN my eyes focused, and I saw the silhouette through the tent after a couple of jerks down. PURE FEAR set in… THIS was not the wind, and THIS was really happening!
I started sitting up, shifting into Marcos waking him up, screaming, ‘IT’S A BEAR, WE HAVE TO GET OUT!’ Once the bear heard me scream, it got more aggressive and forceful with the next jerk, slamming the top of the tent down, covering me. When the tent popped up, the side was ripped open, and the grizzly’s head was in front of us.
Marcos first remembers me screaming, being confused, not hearing what I was saying at first, feeling the truck rocking, and seeing the things that we hung at the top of the tent swaying around above him. As he came to and realized I was screaming, ’BEAR,’ he reached for the bear spray. He didn’t see the tent being jerked down at first, but as he sat up he then saw the opening in the tent, and the bear’s head in front of us.
After the bear slammed the tent down, and as Marcos was sitting up, I started turning towards the front window of the tent, and flipped onto my stomach. I was thinking, one more swipe of the bear’s paws inside the tent, and it was going to grab me and pull me down to the ground. (The base of the tent is 7 feet off of the ground) Marcos started screaming at the bear, making noise, while trying to figure out how to use the bear spray the right way...
As he started spraying the bear, (he didn’t spray very long) I was unzipping the front window of the tent, and with my legs still in my sleeping bag, I pulled my knees up, pushed hard, and flung myself out of the window onto the top of the truck. After stopping myself from going over the front of the truck (I didn’t want to be on the ground with it!), I took my legs out of the bag, popped onto my hands and feet, and faced the bear preparing myself for what was going to happen next. The bear stood upright on its hind legs, paws wobbling around (probably because of first attempt of the bear spray), then its head turned to me as it saw me move. (Weirdly, it had a human like expression when its head turned to me; like an expression of being surprised to see me outside of the tent. It also didn’t seem fazed by the first attempt of bear spray.)
My mind was racing... ‘Is it about to come after me now!?... Confusion, fearful for Marcos still in the tent… Is this how it ends for us!?... Is this how our family will see us!?’... anger, etc...’
Marcos started screaming at it a second time. It quickly looked back at Marcos, and returned back to the tent; ripped the rest of the side off, and with head, paws and claws back in the tent, Marcos sprayed it again with the bear spray. (He said the sight of the teeth and claws were terrifying, and he was also thinking he was about to be pulled out of the tent, onto the ground.)
I could see fumes coming from the tent, at this point, and it felt like he sprayed the bear spray forever! The bear then stood upright, back onto its hind legs again; its upper body and huge paws were wobbling around, it looked at me, looked back at Marcos, then dropped to all four, and loped off into the tree line.

Eerily, the bear didn’t make any sound through it all... no growling, or groans, while ripping the tent, or from being sprayed… NOT ONE SOUND.
Marcos then climbed through the tent front window onto the top of the truck with me; we got down and into the truck as fast as we could. We frantically scurried around the inside of the truck, turning the headlights on so we could see into the trees the direction the bear went, turning the lights off on the inside of the truck, making sure the doors were locked, etc... Our hearts were pounding, I couldn’t stop shaking from fear, our eyes and skin were burning from bear spray residue (M got spray on his face and in his eyes pretty bad. There was also residue on his sleeping bag, so we threw that in the back seat. BUT, we were alive, so we’ll take residue over a bear any day!), we both tried not to vomit after emotions set in, and tried to bundle up after adrenalin calmed(20+ degrees outside), etc...
He tried rolling the windows down at some point to clear the air, but I was too scared, so he didn’t. His poor eyes! He did get out of the truck after a while, quickly, to pick up the blankets on the ground that the bear pulled out, so we could use them to stay warm.
We ‘tried’ to sleep while in the truck, and would turn the headlights on periodically, wipe the condensation from the inside of the windows, and look outside. There was no way we were getting out of the truck to pack up in the dark, and it felt like a lifetime before daylight came. If the bear would have come back, we would have just driven off and drug the tent as it was!
Looking back, we both believe that if anything would have happened any differently, things could have been much worse...
* It’s a good thing he chose a rooftop tent, 7 feet off of the ground, for the trip! I can’t imagine what could have happened if we were in a tent on the ground.
*The moonlight provided enough light for us to see the bear clearly inside, and outside, of the tent. It was the day after a full moon, clear, and very bright outside. When authorities asked if we saw a collar, or an ear tag on the bear, there was no question the bear had none, and it was obviously a grizzly.

*When I unzipped the front windows of the tent, I unzipped the tent window, and the screen, at the same time, instead of having to do them separately. I remember being worried about not having enough time as I started unzipping, and then being shocked as they both opened with one zip. Marcos told me afterwards that he positioned both zippers on the windows in the same spot, pulling the outside zipper inside next to the other one, because the noise of the zippers clinking together, from the wind the night before, was irritating. I then remembered him talking about how he was going to coat the zipper tips with something, after the trip. Good thing for noisy zippers! I also asked Marcos, a couple of days before, if the front window opened like the rest, when we were walking around. (Intuition?)
*Thank God we had UDAP BEAR SPRAY! If Marcos didn’t grab the bear spray when he did, and followed me as I yelled, who knows what would have happened. He was in a deep sleep, and disoriented when waking up. He didn’t have his hearing aids in or his glasses on... He said it felt like it took forever before he figured out how to use the bear spray, and that’s why his first time spraying the bear wasn’t very long. He didn’t realize he pulled the safety off when he did, so he kept trying to take it off, and he also couldn’t tell if he was holding it in the right direction through the chaos...
We have a lot of thoughts about what if’s, could of’s, should of’s, would of’s, questions, etc...
We feel like our bear safety practices were strong this day... we didn’t have food in our tent, the food containers were over 100 feet away that night, we had a clean campsite, didn’t use perfumes, etc... Frankly, we hadn’t had a shower in a couple of days. #camplife
We reported the incident to the National Forest authorities, spoke with the Wyoming Game & Fish authorities, and spoke with the bear biologist at Yellowstone Park... the bear biologist said we did everything right, and although it’s rare for this to happen, sometimes it ‘JUST HAPPENS...’
It was one of the most terrifying experiences we’ve ever been through, and I believe we’re truly blessed to be alive... without a scratch! The view of the bear under the moonlight was INCREDIBLE... the massive head in front of us, the height when standing on its hind legs, the short round ears, long boxy nose, the claws, etc... AN AMAZING FRIGHTENING SITE!!!
We can say, with certainty, this experience has changed our outlook on many things, including safety. We feel that we have strong safety practices when in the wilderness, and did everything right this night... But, we also know that there have been times, in the past, that we’ve both taken for granted there being predators around us, and there have been times where we haven’t always been ready to react at a moment’s notice. It’s so easy to get lost in the beauty and complacent with your steps.
And although, this experience has terrified us, we walk away with a valuable reminder of how precious life is, and how important safety is every day when outdoors; with each and every step... things can happen so incredibly fast, and at any time!
This ‘grizzly’ day... we had a plan, we respected the wilderness, and we were prepared to react, all while enjoying everything nature had to offer... The views were incredible, we had an amazing trip, enjoyed every minute, (not the grizzly moment, of course), and the plan worked!
WE’RE ALIVE! Traumatized, but ALIVE! THANK GOD!!!
Of course, we have a lot of opinions about bear spray verses guns, like many others…
Bottom line, for us… Udap Bear Spray is definitely a LIFE SAVER, and bear spray is our first choice for protection!
I would recommend bear spray to anyone, and everyone in your group, traveling in bear country. Also, I can’t stress enough that knowing how to it, is just as important as buying it! Buy it, read the instructions, practice before you hit the trail, carry it within hand’s reach… you never know when you’ll need it, to help save your life!
Needless to say, we didn’t make it to Glacier Nat. Park, since the tent was ruined, and we headed to CO earlier than expected.
And, Udap Bear Spray was on our hip every day while in CO, and will continue to be! Thank you, UDAP, for helping save our lives!!
Heather & Marcos

...when I heard a branch snap…
I had a bear encounter today and wanted to let you know that I was so thankful for your product. I am a 55 year old grandmother who loves to geocache here in Alaska. My sister is visiting from the lower 48, also an avid geocacher. We were hiking on a very popular, hiking/atv/bicycle trail on Eklutna Lake. Just 500 feet from the trail head, we were looking for a cache in a very woody area when I heard a branch snap. I kept my attention on the sound while backing down the hill so I could get a better look at the area. By the time I was able to see the bear because of dense foliage, he was 30 feet and closing, straight at me. I calmly pulled out the spray, which I keep in the chest pounch, pulled off the clip (both of which I do not remember doing), I took a step forward with spray about chest high, because he was uphill from me, and pushed the trigger. It hit him in the face, which immediately stopped him, he hesitated, wanting to approach, but turned as we were yelling and waving our arms, and walked off. We did not find the cache.
Thankfully, Susan

... but then the mama bear turned and charged me…
I'm writing to share a story of using your pepper spray. As a travel writer and mountain guide, I frequently carry your bear spray for self-defense and protection against wild animals. This October, I drove from Seattle to Texas to pick up a trailer, and I carried your bear spray for the entire 6,000-mile journey — and, for the first time, I had to use it!
We were camped in the tiny town of Ouray, Colorado. The 16' trailer was still attached to our pickup, and we were sleeping soundly in the trailer when we were suddenly startled awake with thumping and banging. There were black bears in the bed of the truck! Three cubs and a mama bear.
I'd practiced with your trainer spray, and I also took a pepper spray class with InSights Training Center in Seattle, so I felt confident about my plan of action. I was grateful that I'd taken the time to be familiar with these tools, because it gave me the confidence to grab my UDAP, step out of the trailer, and chase the bears out of the bed of the truck. They ran — but then the mama bear turned and charged me, presumably to protect her cubs. I raised my bear spray, flipped off the safety, and sprayed her in the nose and eyes. She turned immediately and ran, and we never saw the bears again.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for making such a reliable product. I'm a huge fan, and I'll carry UDAP for as long as you keep making it.

Fisherman and wife halt, spray griz — and it works…
That bear came out of the river bank 30 feet below us so fast it was like an explosion. It came roaring up the hillside about 25 miles per hour. In a flash he was at the end of my fly rod. I only had time to think that I’d be a statistic, and that I ought to fall on my stomach so my pack could protect me. I didn’t have time for even that, but was able to raise my arms to protect my face from the impending strike. In doing so, I stopped the grizzly in its tracks at exactly 9 feet away.
How’d I know the exact distance? My fly rod, recall, was in my hand. I touch his terrible snout with the rod tip. I put it on his nose and yell very loudly, ‘bear!’ and then I flicked the tip in his face. Time was bought.
My wife, Lisa, immediately behind me along the narrow trail, took advantage of the pause. Seconds into the encounter, she unholstered her bear spray and blasted an orange fiery stream that coursed by my cheek and at the bruin. The bear was alarmed by the noise and perhaps smelled the spray, but didn’t seem to be significantly affected.
Our assessment : The initial stopping of the bear might have more to it than a fly rod. There’s a false charge element to consider and then there’s two of us not giving ground and not running. What is crucial in the encounter is the bear spray immediately at hand. The bear spray did the job. Without the bear spray, we wouldn’t have made it. Thanks Udap!

Without the bear spray, one or both of us would have been seriously injured…
I wanted to thank you for making UDAP bear spray. My husband and I had an encounter with a male grizzly bear last fall. Without the bear spray, one or both of us would have been seriously injured. We were fishing at Brooks Lake above Dubois, WY. We were only a 15 minute walk from our vehicle and could see the parking lot from our fishing spot. We had been fishing a point out on the lake for about an hour when we notice the willows moving. Then a bear's head popped out. We backed up slowly, removed the safety from our spray and didn't make eye contact with the bear. He went back into the willows and we began packing up our gear. All of a sudden he popped up behind me and stood up on his rear legs. He began making a huffing sound. Without thinking I raised my arm and sprayed a good shot of UDAP. He dropped to the ground and crawled off. We were able to make it safely back to our vehicle and watched for him to appear out of the willows. He walked around for a few seconds then jumped onto the lake and started to swim. I wanted to let people know the spray works and is easy to use. I will always take it with me when I am in bear country. Thanks for making this product. Without it I would never feel safe going back to Brooks Lake.

Thank you for producing a product that really works!
I have carried a canister of your bear spray for several years now. I trust it more than my Smith & Wesson to keep me and my daughter safe. She worked at Bear River State Park and found it useful against territorial moose and two legged predators.
Where I live, here in Wyoming, your product has been useful for bear, mountain lion, skunks, raccoons, feral dogs and cats. I live on a ranch north of Evanston and ramble in the Uintah Mountains south of here. You never know what you may run into.
Some experienced advice for first time users. When you receive your canister of bear spray, practice outside a few times. Do it in the wind. You may get a whiff yourself, but more important you will know how it works. Just like target shooting with a new gun. Most important – always carry it in the holster provided. I have seen to many folks that carry it in their pack which is inaccessible for use.
Thanks again, F.H. Latter

I hear Tara yell, Kyle! The bear is behind you!
My name is Kyle, I'm a forest tech living and working in northern Ontario (Hearst), Canada . I have had more than 1 bear encounter working up here. The only reason I am alive today is because of your product! Last summer (2009) in late July, me and 3 other forestry workers were dropped off at a lake in a remote area, where you can only fly into. We had to portage along a trail only used by hunters, presumably, for about 800m. When we got about 600m along the trail, 2 of my fellow workers had yelled for me and another to come back because there was a black bear on the trail near them. So me and the other worker walked back about 50m to the other 2 guys, and were getting ready to scare it off. So, there were 4 of us, 3 men and 1 woman.
All of us have seen plenty of bears in our lives and felt as though, we could scare it off and we could be on our way. So as we were standing there, watching him come closer, he stood up to a tree and he sniffed the air, also showing us that he was a fairly good size…probably a good 300lbs, close to 7 foot when standing. So we did the whole "whoa bear" and tried to make ourselves look as big as possible…remember, there are 4 of us. So we did that and he wasn't effected, in fact, he got down from standing up and started to walk closer to us. We grabbed some pots and pans and banged them together, trying to be as loud as possible, then he ran away. Not convinced he was completely gone yet, we just waited for a couple minutes and sure enough, he came back…so we banged the pots and pans again and he ran again.
After maybe 5 minutes, we could see him starting to circle us about 20m away. At this point, we didn't know what to think besides, we are getting hunted! So after another 5 minutes of him just circling us, he started to walk towards us again. We had bottles of butane and propane for our cooking stoves, not knowing what to do, we thru the cans at the bear! Not sure if it was the best idea, but when we did, he would turn and chase them, giving us milliseconds to relax and try to gather our thoughts on what to do next. After we stopped throwing the couple cans at him, he started walking with his head down, low to the ground, walking slowly towards us…and then the huffing started, he started false charging and swiping at us, and at this time, he was maybe 5m's away. At that point my fellow worker had my can of bear spray ready and aimed and let er' go fully into his face! He got covered in it and took off running.
After about 20 minutes and no more signs of him, we set up camp not to far from where this all happened. We didn't have much of a choice where to set up camp, since the work we had to do was close. The next morning my workers and I were looking at our GPS's and figuring out where we had to start the work day, when all of a sudden I hear Tara yell, Kyle! The bear is behind you! And I looked over my shoulder and the bear was again, maybe 10m's away, sneaking up behind me. The worker who had sprayed him the night before was quick enough to grab the can and spray the bear one last time! He went running and we got on into the river and into our canoes as soon as he left.
So thank you for making a product that saved mine and my friend's lives! – Kyle
P.S. I have included a picture of me, at the actual spot of where the "bear negotiation" happened.

….by the time the cops got there, the guy was screaming that I should just shoot him….
We took all the precautions you are supposed to in bear country. We had bells, made noise, and stayed on the trail. However, we still surprised a big grizzly sow outside Jackson Hole . With her two cubs behind her, we were way to close. Your spray stopped the bear in her charge. It looked like she hit a wall. The spray saved her life and the lives of my family. I was already starting to bear my trusty lever action .50 Alaskan, but as the spray broke the charge it was not necessary to dispatch the bear. Since that day 5 years ago we ALWAYS carry your product. In fact, each of our family members has their own spray, and we have trained our children on how to use them. We believe in your product. In fact, last summer some idiot decided to carjack our Jeep. I had a choice between my 1911 or the bear spray. As my son was in the Jeep with me the bear spray seemed more appropriate. Let me assure you that by the time the cops got there, the guy was screaming that I should just shoot him. Your product rocks.
Just a simple man who loves his God, his wife, his kids, his country and his dog,

Thanks for your wonderful product!!!
I have to admit, that over the years I had become a little cavalier regarding bears as we frequently hike, bike and run in the Alaska wilderness so near our home in Anchorage. However, this day I spotted the bear spray on our rack in the garage and threw it in the top netting of my hydration backpack. Probably because I knew our granddaughter was going with us.
My wife, our 6 year old granddaughter, and I were coming back down Bird Ridge in Chugach Park Alaska 6 Sept 2010 . As we ddescended the ridge suddenly at 20 feet a large sow charged at us out of the bushes. Reflexively we yelled whoa bear and made ourselves large. She turned away at full run, but then reversed course and came at us again full speed, fortunately up a pretty steep grade which gave me an extra second to get the pepper spray out of the pack. I removed the safety and fired, but in the heat of the moment had aimed it toward me. Gave myself a good dose!!! Despite intense pain, adrenalin kept me going, and I turned the spray head at the bear. It was almost a slow-motion dream like feeling as the bear on a dead run came straight at us. The ground shook with her lope and she was breathing heavy. Ears were back and beady eyes were on me. I blasted her full in the face at three to five feet away, but thought "we are done". Her face turned orange, even her whiskers were coated full and then she turned on a dime, never to be seen again. It was like a miracle and I will not forget that moment as long as I live.
The hike down the mountain was pretty painful with lots of tearing, sneezing, coughing and skin burning pain, but it was definitely worth all of it. I found that dawn dish-washing liquid 1part to 3 parts water helped remove the oil and stop the pain pretty quickly. I felt fine the next day.
MY heartfelt advice is always carry your bear pepper spray and practice with it before you really need it. Use a bear bell.
Thank you, Thank you!!
Randy and Irene and Ashley
Bear Spray Video Testimonial
On October 17, 2010 I was bow hunting with my father in upstate New York , Our tree stands are about 90 yards away from each other with a clear line of sight to one another. I looked over in his direction and saw him standing with his bow in his hand so I knew he saw something so I then grabbed my bow and got ready. He then announced over the walkie talkie that he had 3 black bear cubs in front of him. Several minutes later the mother was in the picture over by my stand so I put my bow down and picked up my video camera and started filming, the sow came right under my stand and was right underneath me for several minutes until she turned back and headed to her cubs. They headed to my fathers tree stand and were right underneath him. I then see one cub stand up on the ladder to his stand so I radio him and let him know what is going on. The same cub got off the ladder and went to the tree and started to climb up it a quarter of the way and then back down to the ground. The cub did this 2 or 3 times. Knowing he can't see directly under him I radio to him what the bear is doing. He has his UDAP Pepper Power® bear spray out and ready in fear the sow would catch wind that he is up there and be up the tree in a second to protect her cub. The curious cub then decides to fly up the tree all the way to the base of his tree stand. I radio him and let him know the cub is right under him. He first swings the bear spray at the cub to try and get him away before he would have to spray him. The cub actually swats the can with his paw and continues up the tree. Left with no choice my father sprayed the curious cub and he never lost grip of that tree but slide down extremely fast and took off. This situation could have turned out for the worse if it was not for UDAP bear spray. I must admit my father would always insist that I carry it with me and I never wanted to, but after this hunt rest assure I will never enter the woods again with out it. We went from never seeing a bear while hunting to having a face to face encounter.
We would just like to thank UDAP for having an excellent product that works so effectively.

…"a 9 – 10 foot brown bear, standing about 12 feet away from me, growling and popping its jaws and swiping at the air"…
My name is Brayden Holt. I live in Soldotna , Alaska . I'm 17 years old and attend Skyview High School . I participate in cross country running, Nordic skiing and track. I love the outdoors and spend lots of time hiking/biking in the mountains, hunting and fishing.
Boy, do I have a story to tell you! On July 11, 2009 when I was 16 (I turned 17 on July 24) a buddy and I had a bear encounter. My buddy, Evan and I decided we would go mountain biking on this trail, in Cooper Landing. It was a well used trail going to Crescent Lake . Crescent Lake is located in Cooper Landing, AK. After a little drive from Soldotna to the trailhead , we were ready to take off, did our double checks to see if we forgot anything. This is the first time that I went on a mountain biking trip without my dad. We always go together, but he was working that day. My dad always has me carry the bear spray attached to my pack on my chest hook for easy access in case of emergencies. I had bear bells strapped to the handle bars of my bike, so I was making a bit of noise.
We were finally ready to take off up the trail. We were taking our time going up the trail. We had been biking for a couple hours on the trail and there was about a mile or so left to reach the lake, where we were going to Grayling fish and eat lunch.
Evan and I had stopped for a second looking at a piece of metal on the trail, trying to figure out what it was used for. We took off again and were on a flat part of the trail, so we were moving really fast. I came around a corner and I heard a sound that I didn't recognize or like. I looked over to the right of the trail and saw a big brown blob. When I realized what it was the brown bear was standing on his hind legs. It was about a 9 – 10 foot brown bear, standing about 12 feet away from me, growling and popping its jaws and swiping at the air. I got off my bike and yelled, "holy crap" and then pulled out the bear spray and went to spray it. Then I remembered the lock. I ripped the lock off the bear spray and gave it a squirt in the direction of the bear.
After I sprayed the bear it got down on all fours and ran up the hill and stopped. I looked at my partner to see what he was doing, and he was frozen to his bike with a ghost look on his face, like is this really happening to us. I looked back at the bear where I last had seen it and I couldn't see the bear at all. Then it did a little false charge and all I could see were the trees moving from this humongous body of the bear plowing through them. The brown bear ended up stopping at about 12 feet and broke off the charge and went off into the woods.
We slowly backed down the trail. Once we went around the corner we jumped on our bikes and booked it down telling everyone we saw about it. Most of the people pulled out their bear spray and weapons and continued on up the trail. We continued our way back to the trailhead where I had left my truck. Some how at the trailhead, they had already heard of our encounter and were asking us all about it.
This is an experience that I will never forget and have told my scary, exciting story to lots of people, who were simply amazed that we had stood our ground. It has also made me alot more aware of noises in the woods when I have been moose hunting this season.
Sincerely, Brayden Holt
…"The Bear was about 3 feet away"…
My husband used his spray to stop a Black Bear from entering our cabin through the screen door the other evening!! The Bear was about 3 feet away from me with only the screen door between us!! He had come up our steps & across the porch & tried to enter though the screen door. He had previously ripped our kitchen window screen off a couple times so we were ready with the spray! This was a healthy, full-grown bear and thank God he hasn't returned since my husband was able to spray him in the face & chase him off the porch spraying him again.
We had purchased our spray can & holster (fits on a belt) several years ago in case he needed protection while walking our dog. However our dog died (of old age) and we hadn't used it until now.

…"I will never be in the woods without it"…
Three days ago (8-9-08) I was biking up a Bernie's Trail out of Hidden Lake campground near Cooper Landing, AK with my beagle Daphney. We had stopped at an overlook where I was resting and Daphney began to sniff around. About 40-50 feet into the woods Daph began to bey. I called, knowing what it meant, but barking quickly became yipping. When reaching the scene I saw a 300-350 lb. black bear over her. I burst the spray from about 15 ft. The bear was effected but had the presence to snatch up Daph before fleeing. Most certainly wrong, I impulsively chose to pursue. If Daphney was alive or not I could not stand the thought of that bear making a meal of my family member. I found the two about a 1/4 mile down through the woods, the bear standing over Daph looking at her. I ran up and blasted the bear from about 8 ft. It treed, about 15′ up a large cotton wood, right above the dog. After about a 5 minute standoff and another couple shots from the pepper the bear fled, leaving me with my nearly lifeless dog. Daphney did not make it, but we do get to respectfully lay our family member to rest. That bear takes away from this an enhanced respect for, and increased apprehension of humans and the and the pets that accompany them. I realize that the pepper spray is not intended as an offensive weapon. But it did drive the bear off of its potential meal. That makes me feel all the more better about having it along as an emergency defense. I will never be in the woods without it again
Scott Griebel – Soldotna, AK

…"I was shocked at how well it worked"…
I bought the bear spray from Cal-Ranch this spring and never thought I would use it. I'd only seen a bear in the wild a few times in my life, and the bears were never aggressive in the least. However, I was so glad that I bought the spray when it saved my life last week.
I was bowhunting for deer in McCall, Idaho and suddenly saw a flash of bear fur in the bush next to the trail I was on. I quickly nocked an arrow (I had a tag to shoot a bear) and got ready to shoot. Suddenly the bear burst out of the bush only 4-5 feet away from me up a steep hill. I got ready to shoot, but realized that the bear was just a cub. I stepped a few feet back and reached frantically for the pepper spray on my side. I was scared because I knew that–wherever there's a cub–a sow is nearby. Just as I pulled the safety clip off of the bear spray attached to my belt, the sow came up right behind the cub. I can only assume that the sow thought I was threatening the cub, because it was immediately VERY aggressive. I instinctively pushed the trigger on my bear spray with the bear only 6-7 feet away and moving towards me. The INSTANT I pushed the trigger, the orange spray shot out at the bears and they both the cub and sow ran away into the underbrush. I was shocked at how well it worked.
I just wanted to let you know that you have a loyal customer. What I was sure I'd never need was a valuable safeguard in an unexpected situation.
Jim Harmer – Idaho

"…At this point, we looked at each other with "He CAN'T be!!!" looks…"
….An approximately 175 pound frosting footed bear was, at that instant, re-entering our bedroom door for more!!! Charles was face-to-face about 4 feet from the bear. Aiming the UDAP spray directly in the bear's face that bear got the rudest welcome he'd ever had… or, obviously, ever WANTS to have!! In a cloud of orange agony, the bear basically PIVOTED mid-air endeavoring to exit out the door as fast as he could – to escape that noxious spray, making frantic gagging, and coughing-type noises. He leapt up the hill about where he stopped, head down – obviously trying to catch his breath before he could go on. Charles, however, was right on his path, yelling and emptying the can on him. The bear took one look at his tormentor (the can of spray, that is!) and took off again up the hill…..
Click Here For Full Story! – You will love the photos!
"…one squirt convinced him to leave the trail…"
We were recently hiking on the Grinnell Glacier Trail in Glacier National Park when this young grizzly came down the trail directly in front of us. Fortunately there were 3 of us with pepper spray and one squirt convinced him to leave the trail. It could have been a very different outcome if we had not had the spray!?
Doug Steakley

"…he started to rock back and forth before finally charging."
My father, brother and I took a two week vacation out west. While hiking around the base of Jenny Lake in Wyoming we encountered an adolescent black bear. When we first embarked on the short day hike, I was not anticipating seeing much wildlife due to how heavily traveled the trail was. In fact, I distinctly remember chiding my dad for toting along the bear spray on his hip belt. It seemed as if we were passing other hikers every fifteen minutes or so. As we walked around the base of the lake, the trail dog-legged sharply to the right. When we rounded the bend we were astonished to see a black bear not more than twenty-five yards away. He was contentedly grazing away in what I presume was some sort of berry bush. The bear spotted us instantly and squared up to us on the trail, I imagine merely seeking to protect his food source. After a short time he started to rock back and forth before finally charging. When he was no more than fifteen feet away he put the brakes on abruptly, then slowly started to rock back and forth again. By this time my father had pulled out his bottle of UDAP pepper spray. They bear charged forward again and my father sprayed him with a large blast of spray as soon as the bear took his first step. It seemed (at least to my fright-frozen mind) that the bear was in slow motion as he turned his head from side to side to avoid the spray. Slowly, he turned and climbed up the hill to our left before finally perching himself on a rocky outcropping almost above our heads. From our vantage point on the ground we could clearly see him trying to use his forearms to wipe the bear spray from his muzzle. Looking back, I think the bear merely wanted to bluff us into running away, but at any rate I'm glad we had your spray. It worked perfectly, and I can honestly say it was the best money we have ever spent. To think that I had poked fun at my dad for carrying your spray! Crow never tasted so sweet.
Brett – Jackson , Mississippi

"…The bear reached under the SUV from various places in an attempt to reach the kids …"
I visited Glacier Park earlier this year with my wife and child. I was driving East on Going to the Sun Road, when I saw three young children hurriedly coming out of the woods towards an SUV parked in a pullout. Behind the children, I saw a man with no shirt on waving his shirt in the air. As I pulled the car over to see what was happening, I could see that the man was using his shirt to try and stop the forward approach of a black bear. I pulled over. The man tried to get the door open, but apparently could not do it quickly with the bear on his heels. He helped his three kids get under the SUV, and continued to try and distract the bear with his shirt. The bear reached under the SUV from various places in an attempt to reach the kids under the SUV. I had two cans of #15 UDAP bear spray in the car, one for me and one for my wife that we take hiking. I figured, that it may be necessary to distract the bear away from these kids. As I approached, after some yelling and with another car approaching the bear became distracted and moved away from the SUV, allowing the man and his kids to get into the safety of their automobile. The bear decided to follow me as I went back to my car, and when it started running at me, I sprayed it with a short burst from 15-20 feet away. The bear, apparently startled from the noise, sight and feel of the spray, jumped to the side and into the woods. The windy conditions caused me to take some of the spray also (strong stuff indeed), but I prefer a bit of spray to a potential wrestle with the bear. I have included photos of the bear and do not mind if you post them on your website. According to the National Park Services news release on this incident, this was a 185 pound black bear not known to have acted aggressively in the past. He did not respond to aversive conditioning techniques and because of this
unfortunate event it was determined that the bear would have to be killed, which he was the next day. I cannot say for sure, but it is my feeling that this whole situation could have been avoided by regular bear-area precautions such as making noise, and if needed, the use of the bear spray when contact was first made with the bear. This bear definitely did not want anything to do with the spray. I enjoy seeing bears and feel that without them, the environment would be a much-less fulfilling place. I appreciate that in many situations bear spray allows a bear attack or confrontation to end with both man and bear's survival. Thanks for a great product. – Chad Adams

"This was no bluff. The bear was comin' on!"
Howdy, I'm a nature photographer living at Duck Lake, I was up on St. Mary ridge, outside the Park, when a larger bull elk, antlers still in the velvet, crossed the trail in front of me. I mounted the big lens and monopod and followed him into the wind seeking images and not making noise. Lost in the moment as it were…In less than a quarter mile I'm jolted back to reality by the jaw popping of a grizzly. Next timber is breaking and a dark blur appears. My camera gear is dropped, the can of UDAP retrieved from the right leg pocket of my Carhartt's, safety popped and trigger pressed. When I sprayed the dark grizzly was close enough to touch with my out-stretched boot. The bear is huffing, growling, retching and shaking its head. This goes on for about tens seconds and the bear spins and crashes off. It happened so fast and yet seemed to be in slow motion from my perspective…I've faced two other bluff charges before and they were just that…bluff. This was no bluff. The bear was comin' on! I was fine until the bear left and then the adrenalin took over and I began to shake. I was very "alive" for the rest of the day. Thanks for a product that potentially saved my life or at least a severe mauling…I have carried some form of peeper spray for the 12 years in and around the Park. I had occasion last year to use your competitors spray on a large black bear and found it didn't work very well. I then switched to UDAP. Had occasion to use it on an aggressive moose that put me behind a tree and came in striking with front feet. This moose was pretty serious…UDAP at about three feet does wonders on an aggressive moose! As to the grizzly encounter I was doing some things wrong, into the wind, no noise and seeing images of bull elk, lost in the moment. I never saw or heard cubs, don't know if the bear was on a carcass or if I just kicked him out of his day-bed…In any event, you have gained a loyal customer. I normally have two cans around. One for back up but on this day just the single can in my pocket. The heavy loaded S&W .44 was left back with the bike and in retrospect had that been my defensive weapon rather than the UDAP I think I would have been in bad shape. No doubt I would have gotten the revolver out and got one or two shots off but they would have had to have been very "lucky". The UDAP resulted in not having a dead or wounded bear and hopefully this bear has had a large dose of "aversion therapy". Thanks again! Good health and safe travels…
Ross Buckingham – Buckingham Wilderness Images

"…Fourth of July Bear Charge…"
Michelle and I were talking and making noise on the trail when we heard a loud huffing sound from the wooded area to our right. Michelle said to me, "Matt, get out your bear spray." I was carrying the UDAP Bear Deterrent Spray in its holster on my hip and had previously test fired it, as per the recommendation in the instructions. The bear was a sow grizzly bear weighing approximately 500 pounds with a cub approximately 100 pounds. Both came charging out of the woods directly at us, with the female emitting deep guttural huffing sounds and appearing highly agitated. Both bears were less than 8 feet away when I sprayed them, hitting the female with an arc of the spray. There was an immediate, adverse reaction. Both bears veered off and up on the trail above our position, then into the trees on the opposite side of the trail away from us.
My heartfelt thanks in developing such an exceptional and well-designed product. – Matt Magliaro

"…I heard a roar and turned to see the bear flowing over some downed logs…"
Hi Mark, We met at the International Bear Conference in Gatlinburg, TN several years ago. You took time to demonstrate to me your spray and what to look for in a good pepper spray. Since that time, I've only carried UDAP, but never had reason to use it as defense against a bear until September of last year. (I have used it successfully against two feral Rottweillers that attacked a mountain biker in Pisgah National Forest here in North Carolina.)
While hiking back out to the trailhead after several days in the backcountry near the Shoshone Lake geyser basin back in mid-September, I was charged by a large dark Grizzly near campsite 8R3. I had spotted some scat only a few minutes before the encounter but because there was so little, and because of the time of year, I figured that it was a black bear. The bear charged just after I passed the turnoff to the campsite. I heard a roar and turned to see the bear flowing over some downed logs only a few yards away. I threw my arms up and yelled at the bear, causing it to stop just as it hit the path about 8 feet or so away from me. For about 30 or 40 seconds the two of us had what amounted to a roaring contest.
The griz was bouncing stiff-legged as it circled, trying to get behind me. As soon as I thought it as safe to lower my arms, I went for the UDAP spray that I carried, ready to fire, on my pack belt. As I reached for it, the bear jumped in towards me. I fired nearly straight down at its head as it did, with it coming close enough to slobber on my right leg. I only sprayed a short burst, hat may be why the bear retreated about 10 feet, but continued to roar (growl loudly?) and bounce up and down. I then got the spray out of the holster and fired a longer blast, really nailing the griz with the stuff. I literally painted its head with the spray. It immediately retreated, rubbing its head against the ground and weeds as it went. It didn't run away – instead, it would move a few feet, bawling and rubbing its face against the ground, and then turn to face me again.
When it was about 50 feet away, I remembered the camera hanging around my neck and got a couple of quick blurred shots of the Griz as it faded into the timber, still growling loudly and looking back. As soon as it was out of sight, I booked on down the trail. I made the mistake of rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand right after the encounter and smeared residue liberally into one eye. The pain was incredible, but considering what the alternative might have been, was quite bearable (pardon the pun…) When I got back to the Grant Village backcountry office, I filed a report with bear management and learned that what was evidently the same bear had mauled two hikers at the same location the morning before I had my encounter.
Dave Landreth

"…We found security in being protected by UDAP…"
Being a wildlife filmmaker requires getting up close to some of the worlds most dangerous animals. In 2005, our crew spent 3 months in some of southern Africa's wildest places, spending great deal of our time filming creatures notorious of being man-killers. Giant elephant bulls, cape buffalo, lions, leopard, and hippo just to name a few. Over that time we had many life threatening encounters. We had a pride of lions kill a waterbuck 10 feet outside our tent one night. We had an insane buffalo bull ram our truck full tilt. We were charged by angry elephants a dozen times. During all of these encounters we found security in being protected by UDAP bear spray. Our countless positive experiences with this product made it our ONLY choice, opting to leave the rifle at home. Thank you for a wonderful non-lethal alternative of protection to allow us to film some of the most incredible things on earth. So next time I am up close to Africa's big five, I will have my UDAP Big Mama.
Thank you, The Crew of Untamed

"…I turned around and saw what the bear was really going after, my heart almost stopped…"
My family and I were camping at the Russian River campground on the Kenai Peninsula Alaska when we heard some rustling of bushes about 30 feet away. I figured that we were relatively safe since the grizzlies were down at the river fishing for salmon. I got up, told every one to stay put and with my bear spray in hand, went to see what it was. When I reached the top of the edge of our campsite I surprised to see a medium sized 185-200 pound black bear coming up the hill towards me. She was trying to get into our site but I was blocking her path. She stopped about 15 feet from me and started thrashing at the bushes for about 10 seconds when she just stopped and stared at me then made a charge that was faster than I believed was possible. I gave the bear a quick 1 second spray and instantly, the bear spun and headed the opposite direction. My heart was already pounding and when I turned around and saw what the bear was really going after, my heart almost stopped. My 5 year old daughter had decided to join me to see what the noise was. That was what the bear was charging at. I kept an eye on her until she was out of sight and she never returned.
<span">I thank you for your product, without it I'm afraid to think what could have happened without it. I don't enter the woods without it. Period.
Eric Toney
P.S. My daughter and I have had long conversations about bear safety prior to and definitely after this encounter

"…It wasn't my .44, that I pulled out, it was my can of UDAP…"
My Name is Matt Vermillion, I spend my summers in Chinitna Bay in Lake Clark National Park as a bear viewing guide. This summer I saw first hand the power of UDAP Pepper Spray. We were having trouble with the bear you see pictured, You see he was extremely curious of us early in the season, Which gradually grew into him advancing upon us while on the trail, Talking him down and air horns did work the first couple of times we met this bear, Then one day we were viewing this bear along with several others. The bears were grazing and the trouble bear started grazing directly toward us,, as he had done several times before. At this point the bear was still advancing while we were talking to him, advancing at a very slow pace, just creeping up on us, When talking firmly didn't work, It wasn't my .44 you see me holding that I pulled out, But my newly acquired can of UDAP, I sprayed the bear when he was no more than 5 feet from us, I was praying silently to myself that this stuff was gonna work, I would never want to kill a bear for him acting naturally in his habitat unless all else failed, To my relief and amazement the bear immediately turned and ran full speed in the opposite direction with little more that a brief puff of spray to the face, About 20 minutes later we were back at camp after leaving the area, and I saw the bear with our scope, still rubbing his eyes and face ,,the spray was still effecting him half an hour after i sprayed him. I was convinced after that of the power of UDAP. The picture of the bear you see was a matter of seconds before we sprayed him, looking back at the picture i can see the look in that bears eye, looking right at me, UDAP gave me the option of not having to kill a bear, and to not have that bear get rowdy with me our staff and our guest, Thanks UDAP!
Sincerely, Matt Vermillion

"When I looked up, there was a sow grizzly charging hard…"
Thanks UDAP, you saved me! I was mountain biking up Tepee Creek just north of Yellowstone Park when I had a run in with a sow and two cubs. I was almost to the ridge between Tepee and Buffalo Horn, when I heard a repeating grunting sound. When I looked up, there was a sow grizzly charging hard at about 25 yards with two yearling cubs at her heals. I jumped off my bike, and went for my UDAP spray in my Camelback. Thank god, she bluffed me once. She came within one stride of me and started to loop around before I could even get my hands on my spray. She made about a 30-foot loop, which gave me just enough time to get my spray and have it ready. When she came back at me, I let her have it in the face at about 10 feet. She stopped dead in her tracks, turned, and ran. I am almost sure I wouldn't be writing this to you if it weren't for your spray.
Thanks again, you have a great product! – Ben Macht

"The bears saw me at about the same time I saw them…"
While hiking in Grand Teton National Park near Bradley Lake , I suddenly came upon a black bear sow and two cubs. This occurred at the top of a knoll. The sow and cubs were partially hidden in some undergrowth. The bears saw me at about the same time I saw them. The cubs immediately ran away and down a slight hill. The sow, which I would estimate at weighing about 300 lbs, growled and ran toward me. She stopped about 10 feet away, lowered her head, and began swing it from side.
I was carrying trekking poles, and threw them down in front of her as a distraction. I slowly backed away. She stepped over the poles and followed me for several yards. She continued to follow me for several more yards as I backed away (about 50 yards in all). At this point, I brought out my container of UDAP and fired a short burst at her face. This was from about 10 feet. The sow shook her head and seemed distracted. I immediately put more distance between us. When I turned around, she was gone.
I am very glad I was carrying a container of UDAP that morning. I believe it saved me from physical harm as well as several other hikers who were not carrying any protection. I want you to know that your product worked very well. Thanks again and be assured that I will always carry UDAP when I am hiking in bear country and will tell others to do the same.
Cordially, Garry Lineback

" I have used it effectively on bear, moose, elk, coyote, and one domesticated range bull…"
Gentleman, Wanted to thank you for such a fine product again and again. I am 3/4 way through my 3rd 9.2oz can of spray, and I have used it effectively on bear, moose, elk, coyote, and one domesticated range bull. No other pepper spray comes close for effectiveness, reliability and good insurance. I am a wilderness guide in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming and hike 5-7 miles daily from mid April thru September.
I will be returning to the Bighorns in northern Wyoming in mid April for good, as I lived there for 25 years and spent 10 seasons as a wilderness guide. I cover a lot of area an have many encounters with all the wild animals I love.
I should state that I go out of my way to avoid any dangerous situation. I don't use the spray unless it is unavoidable. I always try to keep the wind at my back and take that into consideration every day except when I photograph big trophy animals. Here is a picture in the back ground is the Little Bighorn River Valley where 500 + elk are all summer and autumn.
Thanks again for a great alternative to using a firearm. Kind Regards, – Douglas Z.

UDAP bear spray showed me results…
ver the last 10 years, I have had the rare and unique opportunity to work up close and personal with some of the world's most dangerous animals. The jobs have ranged from being a wildlife rehabilitator to an animal trainer, where everyday required working with or near very unpredictable creatures. I have worked with 100's of bears, both wild and captive, and can honestly say that bears have charged me over 30 times. Bear spray has become a necessity, a piece of equipment that I depend on for life and death situations.
I have used several products; some working more effectively than others but UDAP bear spray showed me the results that gave me a peace of mind. Over the years, charge after charge, I have watched UDAP stop bears like a brick wall, saving my life several times. When the spray is deployed the bear stops dead in their tracks wanting nothing more than to go the opposite direction as fast as it physically can. UDAP is the ultimate in safety for dealing with these unique and dangerous situations
When it comes to choosing a right hand man, the only product that I can say has worked with results I depend on 100% of the time is UDAP bear spray EPA Reg. No. 71920-1-72007.
President, Montana Grizzly Encounter

"…pressed on the bear spray can for 2 seconds…"
I went canoeing with some friends in the Adirondacks in New York. It was a remote area, which was recently opened to the public.
At first, my friends thought I was ridiculous for bringing UDAP bear spray. I told them we would definitely see some black bears and it turned out to be the truth. One night, I went to the tent early and was awakened by one of my friends who yelled, we have a bear in our camp. I thought it was a joke at first and this went on for a few minutes.
After a short period of time, the other friend started to yell, "Get out of here bear" and was banging a cooking pot with a stick. The bear had two cubs with her and was very aggressive. She was snarling and growling at us while we made noise. She charged us a couple of times coming within about 5ft of us. She was not about to let us get in her way. I bolted out of my tent with a 260-gram can of UDAP bear spray and approached the bear. She was a big female, approximately 325 pounds or so, and had climbed the tree, tore down our food bags and had one in her claws and jaws.
We got within 25 feet and just pressed on the bear spray can for 2 seconds. The pepper spray shot out 30 feet, hit her in the face and she immediately took off running in the opposite direction. Needless to say, the entire group, including some of our kids, all wished they had brought a can of bear spray. The bear had even left her cubs in a near by tree for three hours and when she did come back for them, she definitely stayed out of the perimeter of our camp, not wanting to be sprayed again. Once she got her cubs to come to her, we never saw her again.
We are headed to the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park this August and we all are carrying the large canister on our hip. Thanks for the great product!
Best regards,
Steve Tuzik

"I trusted my life with UDAP Pepper Power® and it saved us!"
Thanks – Dave Wood
"If not for the help of a friend and your UDAP Pepper Power® I probably wouldn't be here today."
The sun had just set over the tall peaks of the Madison range when a large sow Grizzly and her two almost fully grown cubs came running for what they thought was dinner. Dave Wood, my long time hunting partner and I, had been archery hunting all day without much success. We were watching the sunset and proceeded to violate one of our "Golden Rules" in that we did some elk calling when we weren't totally ready to hunt.
The bears where ready to hunt and did so with a ferocity and speed that is almost incomprehensible. At first we just heard the noise of something running at us at about forty miles an hour and only saw the three of them in the last twenty yards of their charge as they broke into the small opening we were in. I had jumped to my feet and was facing them thinking they were a charging bull elk. I was crouched pulling an arrow from the bow quiver when I realized we were in trouble. Before I could draw my gun the sow had taken her first bite of my left leg and broken my fibula. In less than six seconds she proceeded to bite my leg, my thigh, my arm and ultimately my head. With the first bite, I made a decision to fight her rather than play dead and kept trying to get my gun out of its holster. I had also called out to Dave to help me. He had actually been closer to the bears when they appeared but was already lying on the ground and they went right over the top of him to get to me. Finally as the sow was biting my head Dave jumped up armed with UDAP, he charged the mother Grizzly who was now facing him. She took the full force of the spray from less than ten yards whirling so fast that at first Dave wasn't sure he hit her. The effect of the spray was fast and effective as she and the cubs left and didn't return.
If not for the unselfish and quick response from Dave and the supreme effectiveness of UDAP, my encounter with that bear may have been my last act. Dave and I have hunted elk in Grizzly country for many years together and we have had other less close encounters with them. In addition to coming across other hunters in the woods who have been attacked we have had several encounters when the bears have told us in no uncertain terms to leave their area. We always try to be prepared and have carried side arms in addition to UDAP since its inception. However, until this encounter, I think we both thought our first line of defense would be a gun. Now, we both feel that we wouldn't be out in the woods without UDAP Pepper PowerTM and as for me it will be in a chest harness with UDAP's unique shoot from the holster design.
Thanks for making a product that really works and saves lives both human and animal.
Sincerely, Steven Chamberlain M.D.

Yellowstone Park Grizzly Attack
She was thirty feet away and in full charge as we came to the edge of the ridge. With a cub on both sides and another behind, the earth was flying as she closed the distance. I ran ten feet to my friend while I yelled "We've got a grizzly! She has cubs! Don't run! Hit the deck!" As I landed and grabbed my fanny pack around my neck, she grabbed my calf in her mouth and shook. I was fumbling for the pepper spray on my belt, wondering if I should be just staying still. When she shook me, I yelled out. That brought my friend Nils up on to his knees, which distracted the bear off of me. She ran ten feet to check on her cubs, then turned and charged Nils. He now had his UDAP Pepper Power® Pepper Spray out and ready. He fell back to his stomach and waited until the head-on charge closed to five feet. Propped up on his elbows he let her have it right in the face. GONE, DONE, NEVER SEEN AGAIN! The spray stopped the charging female grizzly on a dime and sent her away for good. Nils called out to me, "I got her Tom, and I got her good!"
Nils and I want to thank Mark and UDAP for saving both our lives. My family and Nils' wife and daughters think you are pretty cool too. Thank you for producing a quality product. Thank you also for contacting me in the hospital to lend moral support. It meant a lot to me.
Thanks again,
Tom Crosson, Nils Wygant

"…superior to a firearm in several ways…"
had the opportunity to use your product (225g canister) against an aggressive black bear in Yosemite last summer. Though it is impossible to know what would have happened without your UDAP Pepper Power® bear spray, I believe that having it on hand saved my life. Here's what happened:
I awoke to the sound of breaking branches and claws on tree bark on our first night of a John Muir Trail through-hike. I woke my friend and we ran over to our counter-balanced food bags and, sure enough, there was a medium-sized, 200 lb. bear sitting on the tree limb pulling up our food bags using the hanging rope. Yosemite bears are notoriously clever! We tried everything we could to scare the bear out of the tree including shining our flashlights, throwing rocks and yelling at the top of our lungs.
Getting frustrated and losing our food fast – this bear actually bit through and ate a can of chili – I instead hit the food bags with a rock, knocking them out of the tree. Bad idea! (You know what they say about getting between a bear and its food!)
The bear hissed and ran down the tree, charging at us the moment he hit the ground. When I pressed the canister trigger, a large cloud of UDAP Pepper Power® bear spray washed over the snout of the charging bear at about 6-8 feet. He was turned back instantly, regrouped by the tree and charged again. I sprayed him again, this time at maybe 15-20 feet and stopped him once again. The bear left the area at which point we collected our food and returned to camp.
Again, thanks for your product. I think it is superior to a firearm in several ways. First, it works! Pepper spray is noxious enough to thwart large bears. Second, it is difficult to miss your target. Third, it is very lightweight compared to a gun. Fourth, no permanent harm is done to the bear. In fact, some fear of humans may be restored to aggressive bears. I think in areas like Yosemite, which do not allow hunting, and have tremendous problems with human-food habituated bears; the rangers should consider requiring all hikers to carry pepper spray.
Thanks again,
Scott Yang

"Bad bear; go home!"
Dear Mark,
As a recent survivor of a close encounter with a brown bear, I believe I owe you a testimonial.
During the first day of silver salmon fishing in Yakitat, Alaska, our party heard several stories about a "large" brown bear chasing fisherman. Sadly, after being chased, one unfortunate fisherman made it back to his van, only to die of a heart attack.
The next day was our turn. The bear came out on a bar on the Situk River, but ten or so fisherman, several in a boat, dissuaded him from frightening them out of their fish. So, the bear waded up the river to where our party of four vacated only minutes before. Smelling the fish we carried, the bear climbed the bank and loped up the wet and narrow trail we had taken for 100 yards or so through the thick brush. As the only (black) bear hunter in the group, I had little fear of "wild" bears, but great fear of "friendly" bears. Therefore, I carried the only can of UDAP Pepper Power® Bear Deterrent available at our Lodge.
Just before we came to an opening on the trail, the bear closed in on the last man in our party. At that point, I took a position behind my friend, let the bear come to about 15 feet, and while asserting "Bad bear; go home!" hit the trigger. To our great relief, the Bear turned "inside out" reversing course and disappearing into the brush. At that point, we beat a hasty retreat back to our van.
Count on us as Life-long converts to UDAP Pepper Power® products.
Sheldon Smith & Friends
Appreciatively, Sheldon Smith

"…but luckily for us he stepped up and sprayed…"
Kodiak Island Adventure
She got within 15-20 feet and stopped briefly to snarl, snort and bounce upon an alder that was separating her from us. At this point I attempted to light my flare as a last defense. It was a dud, maybe I was just too nervous and fidgety, but I'd like to think it was the latter. There was no time to reach for another so I stood poised with my machete. The only thoughts going through my head were "I wonder what this is going to feel like." At this point fear wasn't even an option, the adrenaline had induced a slow motion type of analysis and curiosity. The sow bounced on the alder a few times and made her final charge toward us. I had completely forgotten about Todd, and his bear spray, but luckily for us he stepped up and and sprayed…

"All three bears charged me from about 40 yards out…"
On October 6, 1999, while bowhunting in SW Montana, I startled 3 large grizzlies, a sow and two nearly mature cubs. All three bears charged me from about 40 yards out, closing the distance between us to less than 10 yards in little more than a second. The leading sow continued her charge, head down, ears back, without breaking stride while the two others hung up slightly behind her. I was carrying the 260 gram size of UDAP Bear spray on my right hip with the hood off and stowed as recommended in your literature. I blasted a cloud out between us as quickly as I could. Although by this time she was only 20 feet away, a cross breeze dissipated the oily, orange mist. I let her have it again at 10-12 feet and discharged a final burst at 7-8 feet.The last burst nailed her square in the face and she stopped cold. The angry bear then popped her jowls, shook her massive head about and bolted over the rise from which I had just approached. The two others followed right on her heels. Although the sow was fiercely determined to attack me, I was able to effectively fend her off with no permanent injury to either of us. When I first moved to grizzly country I carried a .357 magnum loaded with 180 grain cast core hunting rounds for backcountry safety. I decided to switch to UDAP pepper spray after reading numerous personal testimonies on your web site and I'm glad I did. Even though I carry the largest can currently available, it's still a weight savings of well over 2 pounds compared to my heavy pistol. It's non lethal which supports my own personal ethics as well as faster and easier to deploy than a firearm, especially under extreme duress. When not in the field my new found guardian now lives on my night stand for personal home security. I sleep very well indeed.
Thanks for creating such a valuable and ecologically conscious product. Your efforts are truly saving lives, and not just human!
Eric Burge, Bozeman, MT

"The fog acted like a brick wall…"
We were only about 20 feet from the tent when I heard the cubs squall and scamper away. Suddenly, I heard popping teeth and a deep "Woof" from the other side of the tent. Out from behind the tent charged a very upset bear heading in our direction. I was leading the group and to our luck was carrying your bear spray on my belt. I carried the canister such that I could flip off the safety and fire without having to remove it from the holster. This can of bear deterrent had been with me for three years and had never been fired, until now. A fog of the pepper spray zipped out towards a point somewhere between the bear and me. The fog acted like a brick wall — as the bear hit the fog she stopped dead, turned inside out and sped away like a scolded dog.
My camp partners stared in disbelief. Our rifles were slung on our shoulders and we were not prepared to shoot a bear. We had just avoided an ugly incident, and probably days in the hospital or even worse. My partners vowed never to go into bear country again without a can of UDAP Pepper Power® on their belts. Thanks for a great safety product!
Thanks, Fred R. Woods, Executive Producer, Northwest Hunter Television Program

"…all three of us let loose with our bear spray which stopped her cold."
On August 13, 2000, we were hiking in Pelican Valley within Yellowstone National Park, an area known for heavy bear activity. We were on our way out when we heard some crashing timber ahead of us. I spotted a sow grizzly bear with three cubs about 100 yards away. She noticed us at about the same time, raised slightly, then charged with the cubs following her. My wife and another woman hiking with us positioned themselves on either side of me and slightly behind. When the sow was about 35 feet away I shot a short burst of UDAP Pepper Power® bear spray at the charging grizzly. The sow hesitated momentarily then advanced. At 10 feet all three of us let loose with our bear spray which stopped her cold. She then made a hasty retreat. We are very glad we had your Pepper Power® with us – we don't want to think what might have happened without it. Thanks!
Doug and JoAnn MacCartney, Yellowstone National Park Employees, Gardner, Montana

Richard Romano and the can that stopped the attack.
"…The bear went straight up into the air and fell over backwards…"
On September 1, 2000, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I was riding my big buckskin horse near Daly Creek In Yellowstone National Park. It was a cold and rainy late summer day. I rode for about two hours, stopping every once and a while to glass the area for game. I decided to stop for lunch, and as I was riding down to a spot near the creek, I looked over the area really good. I hobbled my horse and sat down against a tree. I was halfway through my sandwich when my horse started snorting. Since I raised this horse, I knew his mannerisms and recognized that something was wrong. I caught a glimpse of movement on my left and when I turned my head, staring at me from four feet away was a big grizzly bear. I knew I wasn't going to sit there and die. I started to get up, but the heel of my shoe snagged on my rain pants and I fell forward towards the bear. What happened next was fast and furious. The grizzly bear grabbed my shirt with his teeth and ripped it apart. As I began to stand up the bear hit me with his paw right in the chest, slamming me face first into a tree, cutting my face and breaking my glasses. Lying there on my back, I grabbed my UDAP Pepper Power® bear spray. By this time, the bear was standing over me with his mouth wide open ready to take a bite out of me. I shoved the can in his mouth and pushed the trigger, sending a blast of hot spray down the bear's throat. The bear went straight up into the air and fell over backwards coughing and choking. There's no doubt if I hadn't had the pepper spray produced by UDAP, I wouldn't be here. Thanks for making a life-saving product.

More Testimonial Prior to 2000
August 30, 1999 was the first day for hunting black bear over bait, in Maine. Early afternoon I replenished the bait and by four o'clock I was up in my tree stand. Sometime after six P.M. a sow and three small cubs arrived. While the cubs went for the bait, the sow came straight for my ladder stand. She carefully smelled the three lower steps then went on to smell my footprints for ten yards down the trail, came back and repeated the same act once more. She then went to the barrel of bait and started feeding. A short time later the sow suddenly stopped eating and stared intensely in a different direction. She then turned toward her cubs and, in a flash, they climbed up a large tree. Almost behind me, I saw a large bear coming under my stand. thinking that I was going to take this one, using a long-bow, he had to be farther away at a less steeper angle for a shot. that did not happen. The defensive mother bear, in a second, was on top of the larger bear, a commotion that was happening just twelve feet below me. The intruding bear left. The sow turned back towards the bait and decided to sit, then lie down halfway between my tree stand and the bait, apparently settling down and guarding it, maybe for the night. The cubs were not coming down from up the tree and it was starting to get dark. I did not really want to spend the night in the stand. I talked to her but all she did was just look up at me and did not show any signs of wanting to leave. Being unsure of what she might do if I came down, possibly the same thing she did to the other bear, made me decide to use the Pepper Power® Spray. When that orange and strong smelling fog hit her, she took off instantly, and very fast, twenty five yards from my stand and stayed there because her cubs were still up the tree. At that point I decided it was time to try leaving, which I did with no problem. I kept watching the sow, and she was doing the same to me until we were far enough apart. Thank God and thank you for Pepper Power®. I will always carry this very effective product whenever I am in the woods again. —Sylvio Saucier
UDAP Pepper Power® and a .44 magnum pistol My buddy, Cory Nuss, and I were hiking in the wilderness area near the East Entrance of Yellowstone National Park. We had been backpacking for three days and were making our way back to the Elks Fork Trailhead where our vehicle was parked. At 11:00 A.M. we ran into a sow grizzly with two very large cubs. We saw the cubs just as we broke into a small clearing. They were about 40 yards away. The cubs immediately ran away. As they were running away, the sow stood up to get a better look at us. When she saw us, she dropped down on all fours and charged. I usually carry both the magnum UDAP Pepper Power® and a .44 magnum pistol. Cory did not have either one, so he carried my bear spray, just in case. The sow was 10 feet away when Cory Sprayed her. She immediately hit the brakes and wheeled away. I was just about to shoot her when Cory Sprayed her. There is no doubt in my mind that the bear spray saved the bear from being shot, and prevented serious injury or worse to Cory and myself. I am a true believer in your product. I spend many days a year hiking and hunting in grizzly country and I no longer go anywhere without your product. Also several of my friends have invested in a can of UDAP bear spray. Thanks for such a great product. — Jeff Buckingham
Peppered Grizzly Stopped in Tracks I caught it [the bear] full in the face when it was 4 feet away, Clutter said. It was like it hit a wall. The grizzly turned and ran so fast toward her cub she ran right over it. Then, cub and sow were gone. …This worked exactly the way it was designed to work, Clutter said. The bears didn't die. All I'm out is a can of pepper spray. I'm convinced pepper spray is the way to go, even for gun hunters. Your chance is much better with spray – which can spread out 15 feet wide from 20 feet away – than with a bullet the size of a pen. The odds are better. — Gary Clutter, guide and big game hunter in a recent article. Bozeman Daily Chronicle by Joan Haines
…(grizzly) close enough for me to see his eye lashes. In Alaska, I was guiding for a lodge out of Iliamna, I was absorbed in my task and carelessly forgot where I was. After a few seconds I smelled him. The large boar sat close enough for me to see his eye lashes. First I shouted "Hey bear!" and "Git!". After these first few futile attempts I knew he wasn't going to back down. He wanted my fishy/bacon smelling lunch pack! He and I both knew that my 140 lbs. Wasn't going to stop him either. So, talking to him the whole while, I pulled out my UDAP and let 'er rip. Ol' griz never knew what hit him. He stood upright, for a moment and I thought I was dead. He turned tail and ran to the water. Pawing his face and nose the whole way. He dunked his head in the river again and again, and then watched the group from a comfortable distance (for both parties) for the rest of the day. I don't know if that old bear would have hurt me or not, but for his sake and mine I'm glad I used my UDAP bear spray. From now on if I'm traveling in the back country so is my UDAP.– Kurt Dehmer
The Right Stuff for professionals The Teton Park rangers, Yellowstone National Park crews, Glacier National Park rangers – to mention a few – all pack Mark's bear spray. — The Right Stuff – |
…I knew she (the grizzly sow) wasn't stopping It was opening day of archery elk season. My uncle and I were hunting in Northwestern Wyoming. The grizzly sow was protecting her cubs about 15 yards away, when she suddenly came at me. I hoped she would stop, but at 15 feet, I knew she wasn't stopping, so I sprayed my bear spray at her. She shook her head and ran back up to her cubs, shook her head again, and then disappeared into the brush. I know my can of UDAP Pepper Power® saved me from, at the very least, a bad mauling, if not my uncle's and my own life. Thanks to Mark Matheny and UDAP Industries, Inc. for a fine product. I wouldn't trust my life to anything else! — Thank you and God bless, David Nyreen |
Outfitter…survived two charges by grizzly bear Nate Vance's Checklist for hunters reads, INSTEAD of carrying a handgun for Bear protection, I STRONGLY URGE ALL HUNTERS TO CARRY BEAR PEPPER SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bear spray works, I can attest to that fact!! I HAVE SURVIVED TWO CHARGES BY A GRIZZLY BEAR, both times using UDAP Pepper Spray. I would urge you to invest in Pepper Spray and a [holster]. I have used the brand, UDAP Pepper Power® made by UDAP – Universal Defense Alternative Products. And have not had it fail me yet! I can tell you from first hand experience, you are more likely to save yourself in a defensive situation with Bear Spray than a firearm!! — Nate Vance, Outfitter |
Bear Pepper sprays…the hottest pieces of back country gear Bear Pepper sprays have become the hottest pieces of back country gear, in part because of Matheny's non- stop crusading. — Todd Wilkinson, Too Close and Encounter |
…fourteen feet, ears laid back in attack mode.
Rex [Rogers] had told me earlier that, in ten years of hunting the Gallatin National Forest of Montana, they had never run into a grizzly, but he and Dick [Frederickson] still carried your pepper spray [UDAP Pepper Power®]. They had carried a less potent brand until they had a run-in with a stray dog, which it barely phased. I take it this is what prompted them to switch to UDAP Pepper Power®. After weighing the price of the spray compared to the chance of being attacked, Rex's words finally persuaded me into buying a 15 ounce can with holster. We were off to our bow hunting camp. About 6:15 a.m. the next morning, I finally made it up to the ridge I was planning to hunt…As I closed in on top of the meadow, I knew I was only going to be thirty yards away from what could be my lucky elk. Peaking over the crown, my eyes focused on something I wasn't prepared for, a sow grizzly with her two cubs… At that point, sixty yards away, I knew I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. In a split second, she woofed and was on a mad dash directly at me. Knowing I was over one hundred yards from a tree, I drew my pistol and the spray. By this time, she was at thirty yards, still going full bore. Hoping she was bluffing, I stood dead still. I knew I couldn't get a good enough shot to stop her in her tracks. On the other hand, what if I let her get close enough to spray, and it wouldn't phase her? By this time, she was fourteen feet, ears laid back in attack mode. Fighting reflexes, I squeezed the spray. The instant that fog hit her nose, she pivoted on a dime and was gone. Keep in mind, I am not a person whose thoughts are easily swayed. One thing is for sure, had I not been packing UDAP Pepper Power®, I would have been mauled or possibly killed. — Russ (Eric) Leach
A snapped twig announced the presence of a charging sow grizzly…
I am a sheep and elk guide, in northwest Wyoming and with my experiences in the wilderness and around grizzly bears, I had to write to tell you how truly impressed I am with your pepper spray. Sheep hunting with a client, we headed above timber line, just before we broke out of the timber we stopped for a rest. A snapped twig announced the presence of a charging sow grizzly and three cubs. The hunter immediately grabbed for his pepper spray, and shot the bear with (UDAP) at ten feet, the bear spun and ran off. Anyone who believes Bears like the taste of pepper spray, sure need to see this!! — Patrick Poppe, Wind River Outfitters, Dubois, WY
…powerful enough to stop King Kong!
I've shot bears with this volatile bear deterrent spray [from UDAP] , and believe me, it is powerful enough to stop King Kong! Many guides and wardens in Alaska prefer to use pepper spray instead of a firearm, because they've learned that the shotgun pattern blasted out by pepper spray stops a charging bear more surely than a bullet. This stuff works. I should know. I was photographing a bear last spring in Montana when the bear suddenly turned and began advancing toward me. Fortunately, I had a large can of UDAP Pepper Power® spray in a holster on my hip. When the bear was 50 feet away, it made a false charge. I hit it with a blast of red hot cayenne pepper that instantly enveloped the bear in an orange fog. The bear immediately stopped and began pawing at its face coughing and wheezing, the bruin slowly stumbled into the forest. — Mike Lapinski, Bowhunter Magazine
…Bear pepper spray is more effective in deterring a grizzly attack than a gun.
As the bear charged, the man fell back and the grizzly bit his leg, Gocke said. The hunter was carrying a loaded rifle on his shoulder and pepper spray on his belt, and was able to spray the animal in the face, which immediately caused it to run away. According to Game and Fish predator biologist, Dave Moody, the incident reinforces that pepper spray is more effective in deterring a grizzly attack than a gun. The fact that the bear was in the process of biting this guy, and it broke off the attack when it was sprayed just further reinforces the effectiveness of pepper spray in my opinion, Moody said, noting that in most incidents where grizzlies are shot in the process of an attack, the person is most often mauled anyway. — David Simpson, Pepper Spray makes grizzly run away, Jackson Hole
The bear skidded to a halt…"
The bear was only a few yards away when French fired the spray directly into its face. The bear skidded to a halt – so close French's legs were showered with dirt – then it turned and ran. — Anthony Acerrano, Fall Bear Attacks, Men's Journal
…Bear pepper spray…the first line of defense in a bear encounter.
The bottom line is that too many bears are dying as a result of conflicts with humans. The truth is, guns have not proven very effective against repelling grizzly bears from attack, and we usually end up with a dead bear, and often, a mauled hunter. Officials from the WY Fish and Game Department and MT Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks all recommend that hunters and other people in grizzly country use pepper spray as the first line of defense in a bear encounter. Dave Moody of WY Fish and Game Department said that in dozens of cases in the last 15 years, only once has a grizzly bear continued through pepper spray to attack the sprayer [through 1997], while noting that in the majority of cases in which a bear is shot, the shooter is still reached by the bear. For the most part, I think [pistols] are totally useless in a bear attack, Moody told the Casper Star Tribune last fall. — Tim Stevens, Grizzly Mortality: Alarming and Avoidable, Greater Yellowstone Report 1997
For human attack testimonies click here